Black Mold Exposure: Symptoms, Prevention, and Remedies

Here are some symptoms and natural remedies to get rid of black mold.

Where does black mold hide?

High-cellulose content surfaces

These are certain things within a home, tend to be even sometimes drywall, in between drywall sheets or high-cellulose content surfaces is where black mold can hide. And then air ducts is another big one.

High moisture spots

This is why people that live in Florida or in the South or even anywhere in the North, but they tend to have more of these issues with mold growing within the home. But again, if there’s a lot of moisture in the home they can also hide as we talked about in the HVAC or air conditioning systems. High moisture spots is an area you can look for black mold.

Inside you

Inside your body is a place where black mold or mold can hide and start to live and can cause major symptoms there as well.

Exposure Symptoms


If you have a headache that you can’t seem to pinpoint it, you know it’s not stressed, maybe isn’t necessarily a migraine, but you just get headaches really frequently, sort of a headache that’s just a dull pain around your entire head, that could be due to mold symptoms.

Chronic fatigue

If you are chronically tired every day, that could be due to mold toxicity. Another big one is brain fog. If you have brain fog and fuzzy thinking and poor memory on a regular basis, all the time, that can actually be a mold-related symptom.


If you tend to just get sick, infections, and tired, and your temperature is raised on a regular basis, that can be mold symptoms.

Other issues

Eye irritation is a big one, sneezing, rashes, issues with mucous membranes, your sort of always have mucus or irritated throat lining, chronic coughing on a regular basis, and depression.

Natural remedies

Bentonite clay

Now, bentonite clay, I believe, is typically found in Montana, and there are other forms of clay that are fantastic. There are clays in France that are also very effective and around the world.

But clay in general, you can tell if you’ve ever used it, it’s very sticky, imagine that going through your body, it will bind and then stick to toxins such as mold in your body, helping detoxify your system.

So actually doing a cleanse when you’re drinking a lot of water, doing bentonite clay, and then even doing extra fiber, let’s say acacia fiber or a certain type of psyllium seed on a regular basis, that can actually help really cleanse your body.

Now bentonite clay, you wouldn’t want to do that for over a month in terms of a cleanse because it will really start to, can start to back you up and give you constipation if you do it too long. But overall bentonite clay is a great natural cleanser of the body especially when it comes to mold.

Raw garlic

It will actually kill off bad yeast and candida and bad types of funguses and molds that get within your body there as well.

Raw garlic contains a compound called allicin, which actually is a potent, natural antibacterial, antifungal, so it can help kill funguses in the body and then similarly in the mold family there as well.

Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal will actually work very similar to bentonite clay to where it binds the toxins. When somebody comes down with alcohol poisoning, this is what the hospitals would give them. And historically they give them charcoal because charcoal will bind to alcohol, bind to all toxins, and help get those out of the body as well.

But similar to bentonite clay, even more so, charcoal you’d only want to do for short periods of time because they actually bind to minerals in your body over time and can cause constipation long-term.

So charcoal here and there, once a week, or for a month-long cleanse you can do, but you wouldn’t want to do it long-term, every day.


Oil of oregano is one of my favorite natural anti-fungal. Oregano is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-parasitic. It is one of the most powerful, natural bug killers out there today. So doing an oil of oregano, you could do this as part of a one week to a one month total cleanse.

Again, this is actually a very strong herb or oil, so you wouldn’t want to do it over too a long period of time because it can actually start to irritate your mucous membranes and your stomach over time.

Green juices

What I recommend is doing a cleanse where you do bone broth, veggie juice, and herbal teas. You might do an oregano tea, you might do a Pau d’Arco tea as well.

But green juice, this isn’t carrot juice or beet juice or fruit juice. This is green juices, it’s cucumber and celery, and then lots of greens, it’s kale, it’s spinach. Doing herbs like ginger and turmeric, lemons and limes, even wheatgrass juice, but doing really green, a very potent green juice with no sugar at all, very powerful at cleansing and alkalizing your body, really creating an environment that mold can’t thrive in.

Cut out sugar

Sugar is one of the dampest causing foods out there and will feed fungus, mold, and candida. So getting all of the excess sugar out of the body.


The good news about cinnamon is, cinnamon is known as a warming herb Chinese medicine. So actually it can help the body in certain regards, there as well, whereas candida and funguses like to grow in a very damp environment.

It is mildly drying which is good. It’s also warming, and also it helps balance out blood sugar levels.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a great essential oil that has antifungal properties. Rubbing tea tree oils in different areas of the body can be beneficial.

In fact, my mom who had a toenail fungus for years, she loves when I talk about that, but she did a mixture of oregano oil and tea tree oil on her toe which killed off a fungus, which again is in that family of mold.

Baking soda

Baking soda is very alkaline, and that is acidic, getting in more of that alkaline environment with baking soda and green juices can help get rid of mold out of your system.


Vinegar, cleaning your home with vinegar and tea tree oil together, your showers or shower curtains, or different things that may have mold build up is a good blend to do.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is beneficial because mold cannot live in this oxygenated environment, so hydrogen peroxide, another thing you can do are hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, tea tree oil, clean different areas of your home with that.