Many of the most famous psychics rely on tarot cards to channel their visions. Understanding the deeper meanings of each card can help you make the most of this type of psychic reading as you apply the wisdom of the tarot to your questions and challenges. We’ll start your journey with this guide to the nine most powerful tarot cards.
The Magician
This card holds the power of each unique individual, with all his or her distinct gifts. With the Magician card, you can take advantage of every special power that makes you exactly who you are.
The Six of Swords
This card provides the power to leave the past behind and move forward from trauma. The image of two figures rowing out of a stormy sea to calm waters symbolizes this transformative action. With the guidance of the Six of Swords, you can let go of elements of your life that no longer serve your best interests.
The Strength Card
As the best tarot card reader will tell you, the power of the strength card does not come from using force to triumph over others. Instead, it celebrates the quiet power of overcoming adversity through a compassionate, calm mindset.
The High Priestess
This powerful card is all about using deep intuition and wisdom to build stronger connections with those around you. If you need more influence within your sphere, the high priestess can show you how to become a stronger voice by trusting your inner self.
The Seven of Wands
Many psychics believe that the Seven of Wands represents victory, particularly when it appears with The Chariot. However, you must have the strength and courage to fight back against oppressors and pursue your chosen path even when you cannot see the possible obstacles.
The Six of Wands
This tarot card combines strength with confidence, a powerful combination indeed. This card represents the assurance and calm that comes from self-esteem and the high esteem of others. The Six of Wands reminds you that with the confidence of a job well done, you’ll be well-prepared for whatever challenges may lay ahead.
The Empress
This deeply feminine card is wise yet gentle, imposing yet compassionate. The dualities of The Empress come from the energy of the natural world. With the power of our Mother Earth, all things become possible.
The Eight of Cups
Withdrawing from a challenge does not necessarily indicate a lack of power. The Eight of Cups shows a man entering a cave alone, which represents the strength that comes from taking time to regroup and refocus. When you struggle to reach a solution, remember this tarot card and consider a period of solitary reflection to give you a new perspective.
The Star
This cosmic card symbolizes the ability of the universe to set things right in your world. When you embrace this uncertainty with the help of The Star, you lend yourself the power and strength to weather any storm. Good Psychics offers intuitive phone and chat-based psychic readings from the comfort of your home. Gain valuable insight on your life, your path and your purpose with the guidance of a tarot psychic reader.