Ketogenic Diet: Foods, Workout Plan, and Setup Plan

in this post, we will share the ketogenic diet foods, workout plans, and how can you set up for yourself.

What is the ketogenic diet?

The Ketogenic Diet is a diet that eliminates carbs from your diet(<25 grams/day). You would also be eating “relatively” high amounts of fat, and “relatively” moderate amounts of protein.

  • That does not mean you need to eat a bunch of butter and oil, you can definitely add that to your meals, but there are tons of keto foods out there, and they are outlined in the “What Can I Eat” section.
  • The Idea here is that without carbs in your diet. Your body has to use your own fat stores as energy, and you will burn fat like crazy. as energy.
  • You might be asking, “How much fat and protein should I eat”? The ratios for fat, protein, and carbs on the Keto Diet are – 75% Fat, 20% Protein, 5% carbs.

How does the keto diet work?

The Keto diet is currently the most popular diet. But a lot of people do not know how it works.

The Keto diet works essentially getting rid of all carbs in your body. When this happens, your body can no longer break down glucose for fuel. Sidenote All carbs that enter your body are turned into glucose,(glucose is just another word for sugar)

When your body can’t find glucose to break down, the next thing it looks for is fat. This can be seen in several examples:

  • Who fast for periods of time
  • Who end up starving
  • People doing Keto
  • After long periods of exercise.

Because you no longer have glucose in your body, Ketones are released as fuel for your body and brain.

What are ketones?

Ok, now that you know how ketones are release, what are they exactly?

Ketones are an organic compound released by the body Contains a carbon group bonded to two hydrocarbon groups

Ketones are most commonly broken down into 3 types:

  • Acetoacetate
  • Beta-hydroxybutyric acid
  • Acetone

Side Note: Our ancestors did keto?

In the Hunter-Gatherer days, our ancestors went through periods of fasting causing ketones to be released in their bodies. (The benefits of keto were ideal for them because they had to go long periods without food.)

What can you eat on keto?

Keto Foods and Non-Keto foods are not hard to identify.

If the food has any type of sugar or anything that could turn into glucose in your body, you can’t have it on Keto your body, you can’t have it on Keto (Most Fruits)

You are, however, free to eat the artificial/zero calorie sweeteners and to have the zero calorie drinks. Example: Diet Coke, Zero Calorie Monsters, Redbull, Bang Energy Drinks, etc

Keto Foods

Non-keto Foods

Eggs All foods with carbs
Chicken Rice
Beef Potatoes
Pork Sugary Sodas
Nuts Candy
Oils Bread
Zero calorie sweeteners/drinks Sugar of any kind
Berries Fruit juice
Avocados  Beans
Dark chocolate Beetroot
Greens Peas

Drink Water

Drink Water, At Least 3 Liters a day, but 1 gallon is ideal. It’s important because Most of Your Body is Made up of Water.


  • Gets your joints lubricated
  • Helps with weight loss
  • Helps Skin
  • Tons of other benefits.
  • Prevents bloating, and Water Weight Gain


Fiber can be hard to come by if you are on the Keto Diet. Without carbs, it can be almost impossible to get any fiber. Unless you stick by this rule.

  • Fiber Does not Count as a Carb.
  • Understanding this can make it much easier to get your fiber intake.

Fiber powder

Fiber Powder is your best friend on Keto. This will help you Poop!

The problem with a lot of people when they first go on Keto, they don’t get any fiber in the beginning and go days without any bowel movements. That’s not good.

Fiber Powder will make sure you stay regular. Start with half of the recommended serving size mixed into a coffee or a shake. You will have healthy bowel movements.

Minerals and Keto flu

Vitamins and Minerals

You will have a deficiency of Vitamins and Minerals if you do not eat your greens, or supplement with Vitamins!

  • Spinach, Avocados, Broccoli- Potassium
  • Almonds, broccoli, dark chocolate- Magnesium
  • Sodium- add salt to everything.

Keto Flu

You could end up with the Keto Flu if you don’t get your daily vitamins and minerals.

The Keto Flu is just your bodies reaction to no carbs. Vitamins and minerals can help you get through the Keto Flu easier, and you may not get the keto flu at all.

Workout Plan + Cardio

The Workout Plan

Losing weight on keto is great, but just like any other method of losing weight. If you don’t have some type of resistance training, you won’t shape your body you want it.

Examples and resistance training -:

  • Lifting weights
  • Yoga
  • Body weight
  • CrossFit

Sample 6 month workout plan

Firstly, you have to choose workout days either { Monday, Wednesday, Friday } or { Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday }

If you are a beginner, you don’t want to go too hard from start. You can switch exercises if you can’t do it.

Exercise Sets Reps
Flat Bench Press 3 6-8
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 6-8
Tricep Push Down 3 8-10
Shoulder Press 3 6-8
Overhead Tricep Extention 3 8-10
Exercise Sets Reps
Pull Ups 3 6-8
Seated Cable Row 3 8-10
One Arm Row 3 8-10
Bicep Curls 3 8-10
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 3 6-8
Leg Extensions 3 8-10
Leg Curls 3 8-10
Seated Calf Raise 3 10-12
Standing Calf Raise 3 10-12


Now that we have an example workout routine, we can come up with a cardio routine. Cardio is a tool that helps you lose weight. In fact, instead of constantly decreasing your amount of food, you can raise the amount of cardio. But Just like your calories, you don’t want to do too, much too soon.

Exercise Routine:

  • Start off with 3 days of cardio per week.
  • In each of these sessions burn 300 calories/ Go for 30 Minutes if you have no way of tracking calories.
  • When you want to increase the amount of cardio, Increase all sessions, or add another session.

How to setup your keto fat loss plan

 setup your keto

Understand keto ratios

  • The ratios are: 75% Fat, 20% Protein, 5% Carbs
  • Even Though it is 5% Carbs, When Calculate your starting calories, make sure you are not eating more than 25 grams of Carbs.

Calculating your starting calories

  • Take Your Current Weight, and multiply by 10. That will be your starting calories. Works for Everyone. Example 200 Pound person = 200 x 10 =2000 Calories to start with.
  • The Keto Breakdown of those calories would be 166 grams of fat, 100 grams of protein, and 25 grams of carbs.
  • However, everyone’s metabolism is different. Some have faster, some have slower metabolisms, so you may have to do some tweaking. If you are losing weight too fast, then add 10-15 grams of fat, or take away 10-15 grams of fat if you are gaining weight. y 10-15 grams of fat if you are gaining weight.

What to do throughout the coming weeks

  • In the next coming weeks, you shouldn’t lower the number of calories unless you stop losing weight. And when you do start lowering the number of calories, take away from the fat 10-15 grams at a time. t of calories, take away from the fat 10-15 grams at a time.
  • You will also be implementing a workout plan, and a cardio plan to help shape, define and strengthen your body. shape, define and strengthen your body.

More Valuable Information :

The Ketogenic Diet: A Detailed Beginner’s Guide to Keto – Healthline

A Ketogenic Diet for Beginners – The Ultimate Keto Guide – Diet Doctor

Should you try the keto diet? – Harvard Health

The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make On The Ketogenic Diet

Does the ketogenic diet work for type 2 diabetes?